The city of El Oued, known as "Thousand Domes and Dome" and the capital of the Green Revolution, is located in southeast Algeria in the Great Eastern Erg region. It was found on the ruins of an ancient desert river, and its name originates from historical events and natural characteristics. It is renowned for its distinctive dome architecture, which covers most of its buildings, helps dissipate the harsh sun's heat, and prevents sand accumulation. The explorer Isabelle Eberhardt wrote about it, giving it the title "Thousand Domes and Dome" and describing its beauty and simplicity with great admiration.

In recent years, the city of El Oued in Algeria has become known as the "Capital of the Green Revolution," transforming from a barren area into one of the most important food production regions in the country. The city is distinguished by the cultivation of more than 4 million palm trees that produce excellent dates, such as "Bali" and "Deglet Nour," using the unique Ghot technique for planting palm trees in desert areas. Additionally, the cultivation of various types of vegetables, fruits, and legumes has flourished, and the city has become known for the quality of its potatoes, which now compete in the international market.

Local farmers, known as "Sawafa," have successfully transformed barren lands into fertile agricultural lands, producing unexpected crops such as bananas and wheat by utilizing groundwater resources and applying advanced agricultural techniques. The green revolution in the region has created job opportunities for more than 150,000 people and generated significant economic returns from farming on areas reaching up to 120,000 hectares.

The Algerian authorities are now striving to generalize this successful experience in El Oued to other desert areas, aiming to enhance food production and achieve food security in the country by providing necessary facilities for farmers and encouraging them to use the best agricultural practices.

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